Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where the other Tigers Roam...

We've been making our home where those other Tigers roam! The Plaisance Family has moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana!!! Eric accepted a post-doc research position at Pennington Biomedical Research Center and started July 1st. Long time, no post...but hopefully once we get some computer issues resolved I will be able to email, facebook, and blog again. I have to admit that the lack of internet has helped us unpack faster and I only have 2 more boxes to unpack! It has been interesting trying to fit the majority of our furniture and belongings into a 2 BR apartment that William calls "my itty bitty little house." Our home did not sell before we moved, but we do have renters there, so that is a HUGE praise!!!
Another huge praise is that Eric is loving his job! We are learning our way around Baton Rouge, visiting "Mike the Tiger" and swimming almost everyday. Enjoy the pictures from our first two weeks and we will get more up soon!

Visiting Mike the Tiger

He's always sleeping when we visit!!!

Tiger Stadium

Basketball arena

Lauren LOVES the pool!


Stephanie said...

Glad to see you finally! Also, glad to heard the move is going good!

Darcy and Jeremy said...

Yeah! Welcome back to the land of blogging. Lauren and William are getting so big!