Monday, August 10, 2009

Hot Air!

The Louisiana Balloon Championship was this past weekend at Pennington. It was absolutely amazing. The hot air balloons were gorgeous and there were so many family oriented activities to enjoy. Linda & Randy (Meme' and Poppie) went with us and we enjoyed seeing Jessica and her family, too!

At night, the balloons are inflated on the field and as the announcer counts down, they all flash their burners at the same time. The announcer would say, "Twinkle burn" or "All Burn" and the balloons would light up. It looked like Christmas when the balloons were glowing! (This is one of Jessica's pictures...)

Our favorite part of the weekend was watching the Black Daggers. They are the parachute demonstration team for the US Army. They were incredible and breathtaking! This picture is from their website.

A cricket in line, passes the time!

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