Friday, August 28, 2009

93 Years and 8 Months!

We went to Mobile this past Sunday to celebrate Papa Beasley's 93rd birthday! 93 years young! My sweet grandfather is still teaching Sunday school, cooking, gardening and enjoying his great-grandchildren! He always makes sure we are well fed and loves to boil shrimp for William. We probably increase the length of his naps after we visit, but we enjoy seeing him so much! Happy Birthday Papa!

"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count.
It's the life in your years."
~ Abraham Lincoln

And this sweet girl is 8 months old now! Lauren now has 2 pearly whites that she seems pretty proud of and she LOVES cheerios. She sports a "beta carotene" nose from eating lots of orange veggies. She's learning to hold her own (toys) with William, almost sitting up on her own and almost crawling. She mostly does 360's on her belly to scoot where she needs to go. William is guarding his toys closely and almost always says, "No Larn. This would probly hurt you. You don't need to play with that." We are getting lots of practice with sharing! Lauren smiles all of the time and is still very easy going. The only disappointment is that she is growing too fast!!!

1 comment:

Allison Plaisance said...

Your family is gorgeous!! I am so excited for yall!!! I miss yall!!